Study Group Mathematics with Industry 2012
SWI 2012 was held at the Eindhoven University of Technology. Problems were submitted by Bartels Engineering, Tata Steel, Endinet, Thales, Philips Lighting, and MARIN.
Organisation committee SWI 2012:
Adrian Muntean (TU/e),
Alessandro Di Bucchianico (TU/e),
Jan Draisma (TU/e),
Remco van der Hofstad (TU/e),
Mark Peletier (TU/e),
Antonios Zagaris (Univ. of Twente),
Marko Boon (TU/e),
Jan-Jaap Oosterwijk (TU/e),
Dion Gijswijt (TU Delft),
Patty Koorn (Eurandom).
Programme SWI 2012
09.00 – 09.45 | Registration and coffee/tea | Lounge Filmzaal (Zwarte Doos) |
09.45 – 09.50 | Opening by Dean Arjeh Cohen | Filmzaal (Zwarte Doos) |
09.50 – 10.00 | Introduction by Adrian Muntean | Filmzaal (Zwarte Doos) |
10.00 – 10.20 | Problem 1 Endinet | “Future Challenges in the Electricity Grid Infrastructure“ |
10.20 – 10.40 | Problem 2 Philips | “Efficient Ray-tracing Method for Non-imaging Optics “ |
10.40 – 11.00 | Problem 3 Thales | “Optimization of Life Time of Sensor Networks “ |
11.00 – 11.30 | Coffee/tea break | |
11.30 – 11.50 | Problem 4 Marin | “Structural Integrity of Marine Structures “ |
11.50 – 12.10 | Problem 5 Tata Steel | “Image Recognition of Shape Defects in Hot Steel Rolling“ |
12.10 – 12.30 | Problem 6 Bartels Engineering | “Building a Mountain in The Netherlands“ |
12.30 – 13.30 | Lunch | Canteen Traverse |
13.30 – 14.00 | Group formation | Canteen Traverse |
14.00 – 17.15 | Group discussion | room allocation per problem to be announced on the day |
17.30 – | Reception | Laplace Building, Eurandom |
19.30 – | Laplace building closes |
09.00 – 17.15 | Group discussion | |
10.30 | Coffee/tea break | |
12.30 – 13.30 | Lunch | Senaatszaal, Auditorium |
13.30 – 17.15 | Group discussion | |
15.00 | Coffee/tea break | |
19.00 | Conference dinner | Restaurant “De Verlenging”, PSV stadium |
09.00 – 15.00 | Group discussion | |
10.30 | Coffee/tea break | |
12.30 – 13.30 | Lunch | Canteen Traverse |
15.00 | Coffee/tea break | |
16.00 – 17.15 | Discussion and drinks | |
20.00 | Dessert at Maison Peletier |
09.00 – 17.15 | Group discussion | |
10.30 | Coffee/tea break | |
12.30 – 13.30 | Lunch | Restaurant “De Zwarte Doos” |
15.00 | Coffee/tea break | |
18.30 | Informal dinner (pizza and drinks) | Eurandom, Laplace building |
Preparation of presentation….. | ||
22.00 | Laplace building closes |
09.30 – 09.45 | Coffee/tea | Laplace building LG 1.105 (green room) |
09.45 – 10.15 | Problem Endinet | Presentation of results |
10.15 – 10.45 | Problem Philips | Presentation of results |
10.45 – 11.15 | Problem Marin | Presentation of results |
11.15 – 11.30 | Coffee/tea break | |
11.30 – 12.00 | Problem Thales | Presentation of results |
12.00 – 12.30 | Problem Tata Steel | Presentation of results |
12.30 – 13.00 | Problem Bartels Engineering | Presentation of results |
13.00 – | Closing and Lunch | Canteen Traverse |
SWI 2012 News
No news availableCompanies & Problems
Bartels – Building a Mountain in The Netherlands
Endinet – Future Challenges in the Electricity Grid
MARIN – Structural Integrity of Marine Structures
Philips – A New Ray-tracing Method for Non-imaging Optics
TataSteel – Image Recognition of Shape Defects in Hot Steel Rolling
Thales – Optimization of the Lifetime of Sensor Networks

Bartels – Building a Mountain in The Netherlands
God created the world and the Dutch created the Netherlands. This old and popular expression among Dutch people could get a completely new meaning. After the polders, dikes, and Delta works, the Dutch may have a new flagship: the Dutch mountain. The idea started as a column by journalist and former professional cyclist Thijs Zonneveld.View problem details

Endinet – Future Challenges in the Electricity Grid
Endinet is a network company that distributes electricity and gas to various customers in the province of North-Brabant of the Netherlands. Endinet owns the medium (10kV) and low voltage (230V) networks of Eindhoven and a part of Veldhoven and is responsible for the operation and maintenance of these networks. Most of the network operators inView problem details

MARIN – Structural Integrity of Marine Structures
Operators of ships and offshore structures face the responsibility of maximizing the operational window while taking care of the safety onboard. Periodic inspections help the operator to assess if the structure is still in one piece and whether repairs are required. Continuous monitoring of the structure’s response as motions and stresses is increasingly used toView problem details

Philips – A New Ray-tracing Method for Non-imaging Optics
Introduction In illumination engineering, the transfer of light from the source to the target is computed to obtain photometric quantities like the luminous intensity, color point, and brightness. The technique that is commonly used is the Monte Carlo (MC) ray tracing method that traces randomly rays through an optical system containing components like lenses andView problem details

TataSteel – Image Recognition of Shape Defects in Hot Steel Rolling
Tata Steel is the 2nd largest steel producer in Europe with major manufacturing sites in the UK, the Netherlands, Germany, France, and Belgium. The IJmuiden site in The Netherlands hosts a fully integrated production process in which coils of coated steel strips are produced out of raw materials such as iron ore and coal. HotView problem details

Thales – Optimization of the Lifetime of Sensor Networks
Sensor networks and networks of wearable communication systems (for example networks that support emergency workers in their efforts) have strong requirements for their energy consumption. Instead of only focusing on minimization of energy consumption of the individual nodes (which leads to locally optimal solutions) it is important to maximize the lifetime of the whole network.View problem details